Industry Experts Analyze US National Cybersecurity Strategy - SecurityWeek Article

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Industry Experts Analyze US National Cybersecurity Strategy - SecurityWeek Article

Cloud Range Founder & CEO Debbie Gordon was featured in the SecurityWeek article “Industry Experts Analyze US National Cybersecurity Strategy” for her thoughts on the new national cybersecurity strategy from the White House (fact sheet here).

The article by Eduard Kovacs quotes Gordon saying:

“While we applaud the administration’s goal to build out our national cyber workforce under Strategic Objective 4.6 and develop our nation’s next generation of cyber talent, it unfortunately doesn’t move the needle on what needs to be done to strengthen the workforce we have today. In any type of life safety field—and that is exactly what cyber security of critical infrastructure represents—the need for ongoing training and readiness is integral. 

“The cyber threat landscape changes daily, with critical infrastructure sectors being the targets of the most advanced, nation-state backed APTs, so we can’t depend on a yearly training certificate to be confident that our infrastructure is being protected. Requirements for ongoing training that can measured against industry standard frameworks to validate their effectiveness can not only help organizations ensure they have the right people with the right skills to prevent and respond to attacks in place, they can also provide cybersecurity professionals with a clear pathway to expand their careers with the cyberskills that are unique to OT cybersecurity.”

Read the full article on SecurityWeek.

Debbie’s statement was also included in articles from Industrial Cyber, CyberWire and TechNewsWorld.


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