Empowering Students to Succeed in the Cybersecurity Job Market

Cybersecurity education

Empowering Students to Succeed in the Cybersecurity Job Market

How Experiential Learning Improves Learner Performance

Cloud Range’s most recent webinar discussed the importance of experiential learning (ExL) in cybersecurity. Hands-on, live-fire cyber range and simulation exercises help students succeed in the classroom – and ultimately in their role as cybersecurity professionals.

This webinar was hosted by Mike Killian, Director of Strategic Accounts at Cloud Range, who was a part of the team that created the first educational cyber range that became a model for other universities. 

If you weren’t able to make it to the webinar, this blog highlights some key takeaways, and you can view a complete recording of the webinar here. 

Cyber Skills Shortage

There are 3.4 million open cybersecurity positions, according to the 2022 (ISC)2 Cybersecurity Workforce Study, and the skills gap is ever-widening. Two-thirds of organizations (67%) believe the skills shortage creates additional risk, per the Fortinet 2022 Cybersecurity Skills Gap Global Research Report. This dilemma affects multiple organizations, with 62% reporting their cybersecurity teams are understaffed, according to ISACA State of Cybersecurity 2022. That results in an increased workload, which can lead to additional turnover.

Lack of Hands-On Experience

Employers are demanding more than theoretical knowledge or certifications – they want experience. In the ISACA State of Cybersecurity 2022, 73% of respondents say that practical, hands-on experience is the most important cybersecurity qualification. That’s more important than credentials or a degree by a wide margin (see chart below). According to the same report, 55% of respondents do not believe that applicants are well qualified, putting hiring managers in a tough position to fill these critical roles.

What Can Educational Institutions Do?

While colleges, universities and workforce development programs are producing much needed cybersecurity graduates, it is important to also include experiential learning. It gives students the hands-on experience that employers value. Internships and apprenticeship programs are sometimes available to students, but when curriculum includes an immersive, dynamic experiential learning component, institutions are able to help bridge the skills gap. It also makes students more confident, more employable and ready to jump into a new role immediately.

What Is Experiential Learning? 

Experiential learning is a non-traditional, hands-on approach to learning. It is learner-centered and focuses on learning by doing. 

  1. Experiential learning mirrors reality.

  2. Experiential learning produces predictable learning.

  3. Experiential learning requires deep involvement.

  4. Experiential learning builds confidence and skills.

Using a Cyber Range Program for Experiential Learning

A cyber range is an interactive technology platform where students can practice detecting and remediating real cyber attacks in a live-fire environment. It provides students with immersive  experiential learning activities that increase skills, build confidence and improve job placement.

Educational institutions use a cyber range program to ensure that, by the time students graduate, they will have hundreds of hours of hands-on, real-world cybersecurity experience. Colleges and universities also can leverage the cyber range to grow other programs and gain distinction as a center of excellence. 

About Cloud Range EDU

A range in and of itself is just a range. The way the range is created, how it is set up and customized, and how it is managed are what differentiate one range from another. 

Cloud Range EDU’s proprietary simulation method encourages students to think critically, problem-solve, and communicate more effectively – using the latest, most relevant cyber training content accessible by students and instructors.

Cloud Range EDU program includes:

  • Live-fire simulation training – Multiple learners can work together in an emulated environment to defend against the latest real-world threats.

  • 1,500+ skills development labs – Learners can target and hone skills with self-directed, hands-on modules.

  • Aptitude assessments – Map innate abilities and strengths to best-fit cybersecurity job roles. No previous experience necessary.

  • Individual learning paths – Custom learning paths can be created based on course curriculum, goals, assessment results and other input. 

  • Performance evaluation – Students can verify what they know and can do – and show results to future employers – with this simulation-based assessment.

The program is customizable and scalable, and it can be easily deployed and implemented. Because the range environment is isolated and safe, students can practice defending against cyber attacks without doing any damage.Cloud Range simulations include industry-leading security tools, such as Splunk, IBM, Palo Alto, and others, allowing students to train with the technologies they would use on the job. Cloud Range EDU also includes cyber attack content packages, custom content and curriculum planning. All components are aligned to the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework, ensuring knowledge, skills and abilities match what employers are looking for. 

The 10 Commandments of Experiential Learning

Finally, here are some guidelines adapted from Inside Higher Ed to follow when implementing an experiential learning (ExL) program: 

  1. Frame out experiences. Make them purposeful.  

  2. Design for student involvement. Make them fun.  

  3. Align experiences with learning outcomes.

  4. Incorporate reflection. Post-mission debriefs are recommended.

  5. Design missions for relevance.

  6. Allow for uncertainty and ambiguity. Give latitude. 

  7. Learn alongside your students.

  8. Work with students holistically.

  9. Appreciate the flexibility in ExL learning.

  10. Be inclusive. ExL learners are not all the same. 

In cybersecurity it’s important to remember that the goal is to turn students into skilled employees and turn employees into teams ready for any cyber threat that comes their way. 

Learn more about how experiential learning (ExL) improves cybersecurity learner performance and job placement. Click here to watch the webinar recording.


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