Red Team vs. Blue Team Exercises & Training
Offensive analysis and proactive defense – live-fire simulations in real-world environments
Improve your cybersecurity team’s offensive and defensive abilities to be ready for the latest cyber threats
Cloud Range’s red team vs. blue team exercises are live-fire cyber attack simulations on a virtual, dynamic cyber range. Security team members from both offensive and defensive disciplines can practice and hone their knowledge, capabilities, and problem-solving skills in real-life situations. The exercises will help you fortify your cybersecurity posture, verify compliance with cybersecurity policies, improve team collaboration, and train teams for red vs blue competitions.
Drawing upon years of experience working with elite enterprise security teams, Cloud Range has crafted an exceptional learning environment that accommodates all skill levels. While the red team attempts to get into the network, the defending blue team will work to detect, investigate, and respond to the incident.
The healthy competition is conducted on Cloud Range’s safe, immersive cyber range that includes IT and OT networks and industry-leading cybersecurity tools. Cloud Range has a library of predefined scenarios to use, and your organization is welcome to create your own. Expert Attackmasters facilitate both sides, providing guidance as needed and ensuring objectives are met. Plus, Cloud Range provides full-service administration and coordination, so it doesn’t add anything to your plate.

In each red vs blue simulation exercise, participants will:
Engage with and learn from other security team members
Recognize and share best practices on offensive and defensive tactics
Identify gaps to focus on opportunities for improvement
Optimize communication and tasking
Learn new skills from expert Attackmasters

All of Cloud Range’s live-fire cyber attack simulations are mapped to MITRE ATT&CK, Defense Cyber Workforce Framework, NICE CSF, and other industry standards.

What is a red team vs. blue team exercise?
A training strategy originally used by the military, red team vs. blue team exercises are implemented by security teams to test preparedness. In cybersecurity, the red team attempts to attack the environment, while the opposing blue team attempts to defend it. This type of exercise is helpful in assessing vulnerabilities and giving teams the opportunity to practice in real-life situations.
Red Team vs. Blue Team Cyber Simulation Exercises for Cybersecurity
Equipped with Cloud Range’s pre-defined scenarios, the red team attempts to get into the network, while the opposing blue team attempts to detect, investigate, and respond. The healthy competition is conducted in Cloud Range’s safe, virtual cyber range replete with industry-leading cybersecurity tools. Instructors facilitate both sides to ensure the objectives are met in an efficient manner.
As part of Cloud Range evaluation and training, red team members build and launch their cyberattack plans, which provide blue team members something to practice on and defend against. Both teams learn new things, come up with new ideas, and grow together. Simultaneously, instructors guide the overall success of the operation.
LEARN MORE: In addition to red team vs. blue team exercises, Cloud Range’s purple team exercises provide real-time collaboration and information-sharing.

Target Specific Skills
In addition to our cyber simulation programs for teams, Cloud Range offers hundreds of FlexLabs™ cyber skills development labs that energize your team member’s individual development with hands-on cybersecurity skills training in our interactive, emulated environment.