Why IR Teams Now Need an Incident Commander – SC Media

cybersecurity incident commanders and incident responders

Why IR Teams Now Need an Incident Commander – SC Media

Article by Cloud Range Founder and CEO Debbie Gordon in leading cybersecurity industry publication

An incident commander (IC) has emerged as the lead role within the dynamic and chaotic environment of incident response. An effective IC will minimize a security breach and fortify their organization’s defenses against future threats. They must orchestrate a cohesive response strategy in a high-pressure situation. To do this effectively, they must leverage the strengths of their team, ensure clear and timely communication, and decisively navigate the complexities of cyber incidents.

Debbie Gordon’s recent article in SC Media discusses the crucial role of an IC within cybersecurity incident response (IR) teams. It outlines the importance of leadership, coordination, and communication in managing cybersecurity incidents effectively.

The IC is responsible for orchestrating a cohesive response strategy under high pressure, leveraging the team's strengths, ensuring clear communication, and making decisive actions to navigate complex situations. In her article, she details five essential traits of an effective IC:

  • Understanding and utilizing team skills

  • Communicating and delegating effectively

  • Maintaining situational awareness

  • Focusing on time management and decision-making

  • Clearly assigning roles and responsibilities

Additionally, the article emphasizes the need for all IR team members to be capable of stepping into the IC role, advocating for widespread IC training and simulation exercises to prepare teams and identify potential leaders.

Read Debbie’s full article on SC Media.

Learn about Cloud Range’s Cybersecurity Incident Commander Training.


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