Cybersecurity Awareness for Employees: Best Practices - IT Business Edge Article

Cybersecurity Awareness for Employees: Best Practices - IT Business Edge Article

Cloud Range Founder & CEO Debbie Gordon was featured in the IT Business Edge article Cybersecurity Awareness for Employees: Best Practices for her thoughts on how simulation can be leveraged in protecting a company against the inevitable cyber attack.

The article by Jenn Fulmer outlines 5 important ways organizations can ensure that they are effectively addressing cybersecurity awareness, including “making security awareness training a regular event” and “gamifying cybersecurity training.”

Fulmer then quotes Gordon saying, “Performing regular simulation-based training allows them to be immersed in live cyber attacks, enabling them to increase their awareness and understanding of what might happen in the future. This creates muscle memory and allows the company to be more prepared to detect and respond to an attack.”

“It works similarly to flight simulators that pilots use to practice their skills in real-world conditions,” Gordon explains. “A cyber range simulation program builds on education and skills that are learned in individual lab environments to allow people to practice cyber defense in a simulated environment with real attack scenarios.”

Read the full feature on IT Business Edge.


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