Communication: How live-simulation training helps cyber analysts speed up soft skills

Communication:  How live-simulation training helps cyber analysts speed up soft skills

Communication: How live-simulation training helps cyber analysts speed up soft skills

By Chris Collier, CyberMaxx

Want to grow your skills, career and be a better team member?

Learn how to communicate better.


Effective communication in the workplace is essential to ensuring employees have the information they need to perform well, building a positive work environment, and eliminating inefficiencies. 

Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, strained relationships, and decreased productivity. 

Good communication should accurately convey information while maintaining or improving human relationships.

Hold that thought, for now, we’ll circle back to communication skills in a second.

Ready, Set, Hut!

Cybersecurity analysts working in a SOC are no different than the defense of a football team charged with protecting the endzone of their home field. In this case, think of organizational networks and assets as the endzone for a company, and analysts in the SOC as the defense.

In football, the defense reads the opposing team’s offense for changes in plays and potential audibles. That is no different than how security analysts are watching the opposing team’s (in this case, threat actors’) strategies change. But they’re trying to infiltrate company assets – not score a touchdown in the championship game.

Side note: CyberMaxx cyber analysts treat each situation as a championship game because there is no losing – the game must be won.

During a game, you’ll see the defense talking to each other and communicating what they’re seeing in order to help the rest of the team have an edge against the opposing side.

It’s no different in a SOC between cyber analysts as they fight a daily, all-out war against threat actors looking for an easy payday.

At CyberMaxx, analysts go through intense training provided in Cloud Range’s cyber ranges in order to better prepare themselves in live-simulation scenarios that help with many different skills – communication is one of them.

Recently CyberMaxx was featured in a case study written by Cloud Range, and the topic of communication came up multiple times during analysts’ interviews in reference to why live-simulation training is key to the maturity of a SOC.

Communication: It’s a Game Changer

Along with providing adequate training to be prepared for the different attacks threat actors may employ, soft skills like communication have strengthened the CyberMaxx SOC team from the inside out.

What CyberMaxx has witnessed as a result of Cloud Range training is more open communication between analysts, which has equated to faster response times, a stronger team, and better results for both CyberMaxx and customers receiving MAXX services.

The following are some of the positive results CyberMaxx has seen from improved communication from live-simulation training:

1. Better Engagement

When employees feel like their voice is being heard and that their input is valued, they are more likely to be engaged in their work. Good communication reinforces that employees are key contributors who the company values for their unique skills and experience. Better engagement means better coverage and watchful eyes within a SOC.

2. Increased Morale

When an employee has a clear understanding of the work they have to do and how it connects to the team's overall success, they are more likely to be engaged and productive.

3. Improved Productivity

Good communication skills are essential for employees to understand their roles and responsibilities. By communicating effectively, employees can work more efficiently and save time and resources.

4. Reduced Churn

Communication skills are also key to employee satisfaction and engagement, making them a valuable asset to any organization. By investing in experienced staff members and fostering a positive work environment, businesses can reap the many benefits of a skilled and satisfied workforce.

5. Greater Motivation

As a manager, one key communication skill is hearing the “why” and following up with a “because.” This approach will help you motivate employees by understanding the reasons behind their actions. By taking the time to listen to your employees and ask questions, you will create a better working relationship and be able to provide the support they need to be successful.


When CyberMaxx started taking training from Cloud Range, the goal was to better prepare analysts for situations that would arise.

What CyberMaxx leadership didn’t know was that the positive outcomes from other non-technical skills would help the SOC become more cohesive, generate better results, and create a more mature SOC.

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